Saturday, June 04, 2005

Does it bother anyone else that Mike Jones the rapper shows his bottom teeth when he raps?

People who have little quirks or talk "funny" stand out to me a lot, some say I'm crazy, but I think it adds character. I couldn't put my finger on it at first, but this is like the third time I've seen him rap, and that's it. My bottom teeth rarely show when I talk, and as I watch others sing and talk on tv right now, I notice noone elses does either. I know his mouth is paved in gold, so do his lips have to stretch around the teeth now? Don't tell anyone but I actually like his last two songs, the "Tipping on fo, fo's" (I'm sure this isn't the title) and the "Back Then" song, I don't know what I like about the first one, but I like the message in the last one. It's very interesting how a little money can change someones "perception" of you even if you don't change anything else about yourself.

P.S. The word connubial is my new favorite word, thanks to Mr. Luke Spencer of General Hospital.

Connubial : adj.
Relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal.


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