Sunday, August 21, 2005

Well I got my car back on Thursday

Thanks to two of my good friends A. and D....Thanks ya'll! Now to find some more work, freelance work, or donations, or something...sheesh, life was not supposed to be this hard. But on a better note...I went to the annual Nappnic today (Nappturality Picnic). It was quite lovely, such a great group of fellow nappyheads...

Pictures of last years and this years can be viewed on my site.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Song lyrics???!

Ok I accidently listened to the radio the other day (I almost never listen now because music is starting to suck). But that Akon, Locked Up song came on....Now number one I don't like his voice...there are some dancehall reggae artists that have that nasally weird voice too...which reminds me of why I didn't like Shaggy....Give me some Bob, Jimmy, Buju or somebody. But anywho...back on the subject of that song...when I first heard it I didn't really listen to the words...I just knew he was locked up and wanted someone to send him some money orders...but I listened to the words the other day, and came to the conclusion that.............his ass should be locked up...his car was stolen, he didn't have registration, he was selling drugs....I mean really...don't you think he should be locked up?


My car got booted :(...I have to pay like 900+ bucks to get the boot off...I'm going in tomororw...and of course I don't have that kind of money...Hopefully they'll take a downpayment. I have 10 tickets ...the tickets are for like tinted windows( i'm from indiana, and that's where i bought the car from)...not having a plate on the front of my car (again car's from indiana, didn't have holes in the front, I was told by the dmv to just put the plate in the back window) and I didn't have enought to pay someone to put the holes in (most places told me at least 60 bucks, I finally found some small place to do it for like 15 bucks)....not having a city sticker (when i moved here my landlady said i didn't need one) turns out she was talking about the neighborhood stickers and not the city stickers (she's not from here))...and for street cleaning parking (i don't leave the house everyday, so I never know when they're going to do it..they need a set schedule)...

I called them months before it got this bad to try to set up a payment plan when I only owed about 300-400 and they said they only give payment plans to people who owe over 600 bucks...they said i could pay on them, but my car will still get booted, so I didn't even bother...

URG and did i mention...Aaaaaaaaaaaaarg...

And of course since I just started working..I'm trying to catch up on all my bills (I was 3 mo behind w/my rent...) I had just paid it down to 1 month and now I can't pay the last one because of my car...of course my landlady is very upset about this :(. What to do, what to do...

Anyone know a way to earn between 20 and 50 dollars per day LEGALLY? That would help me out a lot.... I'll make sure to make a silly post to counter all this negativity....

Monday, August 01, 2005

So I went to a club on Friday

Exedus II, on Clark, very nice place, with live reggae. My second time going, I had a pretty good time. So I'm sitting and watching the band and suddenly I see a guy with a huge cross walk past the window, so I went outside to find out why he had a cross and if I could take pictures. He said he was spreading the word of Jesus. I told him as long as he doesn't start setting the crosses on fire, we would be ok. I'll post the picture once I get it resized.