Monday, August 15, 2005

Song lyrics???!

Ok I accidently listened to the radio the other day (I almost never listen now because music is starting to suck). But that Akon, Locked Up song came on....Now number one I don't like his voice...there are some dancehall reggae artists that have that nasally weird voice too...which reminds me of why I didn't like Shaggy....Give me some Bob, Jimmy, Buju or somebody. But anywho...back on the subject of that song...when I first heard it I didn't really listen to the words...I just knew he was locked up and wanted someone to send him some money orders...but I listened to the words the other day, and came to the conclusion that.............his ass should be locked up...his car was stolen, he didn't have registration, he was selling drugs....I mean really...don't you think he should be locked up?


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