Thursday, June 23, 2005

Crazy Chicago people.

So the other day I left my house and I took out the garbage, afterwards I was walking to my car and I kept hearing these bird-like noises. So I'm looking around trying to figure out where the bird is, when this lady comes around the corner, and that's when I figured out that the noises are coming from HER!!! She was walking along, looking all types of crazy making the same noise over and over, and smiling to herself. I was scurred, when I got closer to her, she looks at me and tells me that my outfit looks really nice on me. I think that hurt my feelings, she kinda looked like she may have been a crackhead. So when a crackhead tells you that your outfit looks nice, you should probably go home and change. I said thanks and continued to my car, figured I could risk it for a few errands.

Then I was driving in the heavy traffic down Michigan Ave and these ladies are walking down the sidewalk. One was wearing a red (actual red) wig, one was wearing a blond wig, and one was wearing a black wig. They were all wearing trench coats, no pants, and some very brightly colored pumps. I was scurred again, seeing as it was extremely hot outside and they were wearing coats.

I'm sure something else crazy will happen soon...I'll keep ya posted.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Why do we cry?

I was reading an article the other day and it was talking about consciousness and where does it come from. And it mentioned something about tears, and I have always wondered what exactly is it that makes people cry, not meaning what events happen, but why is crying what happens when people are sad, I mean doesn't it seem like a weird way to express oneself, to have body fluids secreted from your body, sometimes projectile depending on whats wrong with you, lol. And then I remembered hearing about people who's tear ducts have been removed, or malfunction have really serious issues because they can't produce tears when they cry which makes them more depressed. And I really was confused then because I was like can't you go through the motions of crying, do you really need the "water" for it to be beneficial. So I was bored the other day and tried to find an answer on the internet. And in case you don't want to read the whole page (it's really not that much, I'll summarize) I found out that there are three differen types of tears :

basal tears : which keep our eyes lubricated
irritant tears : which protect our eyes from debris and wind
and finally emotional tears : which form when, well you know when they form....but they are there to release proteins which the site said contain "hormones that build up to very high levels when the body withstands emotional stress" And, "If the chemicals associated with stress did not discharge at all, they would build up to toxic levels that could weaken the body's immune system and other biological processes."

So this satisfied most of my curiosity, but I still don't get why, but I think that's a whole, you have to ask the creator about that type question.

Here's a link to the article in case you want to read more :

Join me tomorrow when I research another one of my curiosities. If you have any curious questions post them and if it's interesting and I have the chance I'll research it for you.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Does it bother anyone else that Mike Jones the rapper shows his bottom teeth when he raps?

People who have little quirks or talk "funny" stand out to me a lot, some say I'm crazy, but I think it adds character. I couldn't put my finger on it at first, but this is like the third time I've seen him rap, and that's it. My bottom teeth rarely show when I talk, and as I watch others sing and talk on tv right now, I notice noone elses does either. I know his mouth is paved in gold, so do his lips have to stretch around the teeth now? Don't tell anyone but I actually like his last two songs, the "Tipping on fo, fo's" (I'm sure this isn't the title) and the "Back Then" song, I don't know what I like about the first one, but I like the message in the last one. It's very interesting how a little money can change someones "perception" of you even if you don't change anything else about yourself.

P.S. The word connubial is my new favorite word, thanks to Mr. Luke Spencer of General Hospital.

Connubial : adj.
Relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal.